Great Week

“It’s not what you get that makes you happy, it’s who you become.”

This week, so far, has been incredible. I’ve been extremely effective, and efficient. I’ve done sales outreach every day, I’ve put Sales first, I’ve been good with my money, and my food intake. Gym has been great as well. I am feeling rejuvenated!!

What I’ve realized is, reaching my goals makes me happy. THAT is what makes me happy. That’s it. Everything else is just fluff. Just smoke and mirrors. The only way to truly be happy is to do what you love, and guess what, my goals are set up to put me in a position that I love being in.

“It’s not what you get that makes you happy, it’s who you become.” – Tony Robbins.

So true, so true.

I have a ton of goals for this weekend, and I’m going to accomplish all of them. I’m focused right now, and I love it. There is nothing better than accomplishing your goals. Yes, I’ve gotten up early every day. I’m tired, but I’m not. I feel full of energy! And why?? Because reaching my goals energizes me! This is why I used to always be so happy and outgoing, because I was super energetic and excited for life!! And I was excited because I was reaching my goals!! That’s it. It’s that simple.
That’s the theme of the weekend – “If you want to be happy, set your goals and work towards them relentlessly. Don’t stop until you reach them.” – Brian Foley

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